Thursday, 23 July 2009

That's All Folks! Bye!

Alert: This mail is NOT by mondodello. It's by one of his gadgets.


This mail is on behalf of my master - mondodello.

Accompanying the end of a designated time period with someone, comes an extremely overwhelming desire to dissect the time spent. A frenetic urge, if I could put it that way, to look back at the time spent... so please read on if you like....

First things first. I'm mondodello's Samsung Boss N386 ... the old faithful cellphone that my master spent his last several years with (Yup! 4 years with the same model on the same network! Now that's what you call loyalty and attachment, right! That too in today's era when people change cellphones/providers more frequently than cleaning their favourite pair of jeans!). Although initially my master was hesitant in acquiring me, as he was considering to buy NGage (which was denied high command since he would have gotten hooked on to its gaming features plus NGage didn't support Reliance's CDMA network which was the only one in those days providing awesome tariffs for making STD calls!), but a recommendation by one of his close friends then helped clinch the deal. So I came in a group of three (the other two meant for the other two people in his cherished triad).. I dread to think where the other two sets are and in what condition!

My master and I became friends on Jul 22 2009, exactly four years ago (Hey! It was my birthday yesterday :)!) and since then it's been a roller coaster of a ride. Whether it was those multi-hour chats he would have regularly or his 'noble' hacks (which at times were extreme and left me hung for minutes!) or the way he would keep me up, saving my battery's energy for that one message he would be expecting, I put up with them all and yeah, enjoyed a lot in the process (Woh Lamhey ... woh raatein koi naa jaane ...). I was given Priority Alpha in his scheme of things when it came to gadgets and that's no mean feat given that I had a monster of a laptop and his beloved watch as my competitors, amongst other things.

Now things are changing, as he was forced to get himself a new cellphone connection (a response to the unwieldy roaming tariffs in practice on his old network), its number being 9xxxxxxxxx. And since it's on GSM, that means I now have a new friend in form of another handset! Of course, I do feel some competition from that quarter but my master has assured me that I'll be taken care of nicely and nobody will ever replace me (after all, ours is a lifetime connection!). And I trust him!

So, now onwards your calls would be received by this new friend of mine while I'll be there only as a reliable backup. Hence, don't get annoyed with me if your calls are not received when you dial the old number!

And finally, in future when you are enjoying this service, in conversation with my master, do spare a thought for me ... the old faithful Boss which got you two connected, got your calls through - whether it was for a lengthy discussion on a Java method or something related to locating a lost courier or discussions on all sorts of things related or unrelated to GRE or just a casual banter to convey that you cared - I helped mould relationships, get things done, made you two feel together - in moments of joy or sorrow, hope or despair ... on several occasions ... day and night .... year after year!


Signing off for now (and going to silent mode),

Yours ringingly,
mondodello's Samsung Boss N386.

PS: "There is only one thing in this world worse than being talked about and that is not being talked about." -Oscar Wilde

... And I am gonna miss all that talking now ...!